No 54 - Mediatization and cultural change

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Table of Contents

Mediatization and cultural change
 Stig Hjarvard and Line Nybro Petersen

Articles: Theme section
The mediatization of deviant subcultures: an analysis of the media-related practices of graffiti writers and skaters
 Kameliya Encheva, Olivier Driessens and Hans Verstraeten
The mediatization of ethical consumption
 Mikkel Eskjær
Tactical mediatization and activist ageing: pressures, push-backs, and the story of RECAA
 Kim Sawchuk
Det medialiserede museum: digitale teknologiers transformation af museernes formidling
 Maja Rudloff
‘Barbarous cruelty at the British Museum’: mediatization, authority, and reputation in nineteenth-century England
 Allison Cavanagh
Sundhed på tv: fra læge til sundhedsguru
 Christa Lykke Christensen
Sonic mediatization of the book: affordances of the audiobook
 Iben Have and Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen
The mediatization of journalism
 Aske Kammer

Articles: Open section
‘Don Fabio’ and the taming of the three lions: the discursive construction of a foreign England manager’s identity in the sports online written media
 Dermot Brendan Heaney

Couldry, Nick: Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice. London: Polity. 2012
 Lynn Schofield Clark
Thomas Schillemanns: Mediatization of Public Services: How Organizations Adapt to News Media. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 2012
 Camilla Dindler
Jan Van Dijk: The Network Society. London: Sage Publications. 2012
 Sandy Schumann
Stig Hjarvard and Mia Lövheim: Mediatization and Religion: Nordic Perspectives. Gothenburg: Nordicom. 2012
 Laura Feldt
Henriette Jæger and Jan Ketil Torgersen (red.): Medialisert barndom: digital kultur i barnhagen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 2012
 Lotte Nyboe
Kirsten Drotner, Christina Papsø Weber, Berit Anne Larsen and Anne Sophie Warberg Løssing (red.): Det interaktive museum. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. 2011
 Connie Svabo
David Gauntlett: Making is connecting. The Social Meaning of creativity, from DIY and knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2011
 Dagny Stuedahl
Stig A. Nohrstedt (ed.): Communicating Risks: Towards the Threat Society? Göteborg: Nordicom. 2010
 Kirsten Mogensen
Angela Ndalianis: The Horror Sensorium: Media and the Senses. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. 2012
 Rikke Schubart