No 56 – Media and Civic Engagement

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Table of Contents

Media and Civic Engagement
 Stine Liv Johansen and Cecilie Givskov

Articles: Theme section
Political communication research: New media, new challenges, and new opportunities
 Rasmus Kleis Nielsen
Online deliberation and beyond? A time-based and comparative study of Danish political debates online
 Jakob Linaa Jensen
Civic engagement through mainstream online news­papers: potentialities and shortcomings
 Cecile Givskov and Hans-Jörg Trenz
Everyday elites, citizens, or extremists? Assessing the use and users of non-election political hashtags
 Anders Olof Larsson
The dark side of online activism: Swedish right-wing extremist video activism on YouTube
 Mattias Ekman
Paradox and pleasure: Play with everyday life in a ludic simulation
 Sara Mosberg Iversen
Augmenting the agora: media and civic engagement in museums
 Rikke Haller Baggesen
The articulation of voices in two film projects about violence: The Act of Killing and Gzim Rewind
 Lisbeth Frølunde and Mette Bjerregaard


Articles: Theme section
En kvantitativ metode til analyse af radio
 Christine Lejre og Nete Nørgaard Kristensen
Factors enhancing learning possibilities in digital workshops
 Christian Kobbernagel


Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford & Joshua Green: Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture. New York, USA: New York University Press. 2013.
 Kirsten Mogensen
Jose van Dijck: Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013.
 Anne Kaun
Ursula Plesner and Louise Philips: Researching virtual worlds: Methodologies for studying emergent practices. New York: Routledge. 2013.
 Sara Mosberg Iversen
Helena Bilandzic, Geoffroy Patriarche & Paul J. Traudt (Eds.): The Social Use of Media: Cultural and social scientific perspectives on audience research. Bristol: Intellect. 2012.
 Ana Jorge
Kirsten Frandsen: Fascination og forretning i dansk tv-sport. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 2013.
 Rasmus Damkjær Christensen
Bo Kampmann Walther: Computerspil og de nye mediefortællinger. København: Samfundslitteratur. 2012.
 Anne Mette Thorhauge
Gunhild Agger: Mord til tiden: Forbrydelse, historie og mediekultur. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag. 2013.
 Kirsten Drotner